Connect To Twitch First Thing First Click Connect To Twitch and enter information and then you are set to bowl.
How To Bowl
Press ESC Key and then head to settings and then enter twitch information and then click connect and then head to your twitch channel and then your ready to play.
!bowl followed by additional info (all optional)
Add spin to your ball: sl1-5 or sr1-5
Add direction to your ball: dl1-5 or dr1-5
Specify power: p1-5
Example: !bowl sl5dr4p5 sl5dr4p5 would send the ball at full force with full left spin and thrown to the right place in order that is shows in example.
To Customise
If player unlocked, players can also change their !trail and !strikeeffect
To get a list of balls, trails, or strike effects, players can use !balls, !trails, or !strike effects respectively
Points Shop
To use the shop: !shop
To see shop points, use: !sp
Other Commands
!lanes (coming Soon) Mods & streamer only