This game is now on steam for you to be able to buy and download. We have very little commands at the moment for the game but the more that we talk to players the more we are going to add to the game and make it a lot better for you to play and make it more fun.
How To Play
* Press ESC Key and then head to settings and then enter twitch information and then click connect and then head to your twitch channel and then your ready to play.
*DuckDuck5hark & Alley_Catz Tier 1 sub emote See there channels for there emotes.
To Customise
!rods This will give you a list of rods that can be used
If you would like your logo on rod you will need to subscribe to alley catz channel and then message alley catz that you subscribed for a rob on duckduckshark.
All Rods and updates are added to the game on a saturday and we will publish a message in game when there is a update.
Points Shop
To see what shop points you have you can do !sp and that will show your points and then to see what rods you can buy do !shop and you will see
!rod Blue
!rod Default
!rod Green
!rod red